Seleziona versioneCaptain America and the Avengers PAL Sega Mega Drive
Captain America and the Avengers PAL Sega Mega Drive
Captain America and the Avengers PAL Super Nintendo
Captain America and the Avengers Sega Genesis
Captain America and the Avengers Super Nintendo
Captain America and the Avengers NES
Captain america and the avengers PAL NES
Captain America and the Avengers Sega Game Gear
Captain America and the Avengers GameBoy
Captain America and the Avengers
31 December 1991
Completo0.00 €
Come/nuovo0.00 €
Gradato0.00 €
Loose0.00 €
Solo box0.00 €
Solo manuale0.00 €
Prezzo completo
0.00 €
Prezzo come/nuovo
0.00 €
Prezzo gradato
0.00 €
Prezzo loose
0.00 €
Prezzo solo box
0.00 €
Prezzo solo manuale
0.00 €
Informazioni di vendita ancora non disponibili
8 Versioni in piattaforma0 Rivenditore disponibile
GameBoyCaptain America and the Avengers
NESCaptain America and the Avengers
PAL NESCaptain america and the avengers
Sega Game Gear
Sega Game GearCaptain America and the Avengers
Sega Genesis
Sega GenesisCaptain America and the Avengers
Sega Mega Drive
PAL Sega Mega DriveCaptain America and the Avengers
Super Nintendo
PAL Super NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
Super NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
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Informazioni sul videogioco
Captain America and the Avengers
Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
Piattaforma uscite:
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega Mega Drive/Genesis
Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega Game Gear
Game Boy
Captain America and the Avengers è un gioco arcade rilasciato da Data East nel 1991. Presenta i personaggi dei Marvel Comics The Avengers in un'avventura di combattimento e sparatutto a scorrimento laterale per sconfiggere il malvagio Red Skull.
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